44. World War Z

44 posts down, 6 more to go! So close!! And we have Paul McGann days until The Day of the Doctor!!! It’s starting to become unreal, now that we’re so close to the big day. OH MY GOODNESS!!

Okay, so in my last post I asked which post you would like to read first. Most popular vote was a post for World War Z.

Pronounced "zed" not "zee" 'cause I'm turning British. :p

Pronounced “zed” not “zee” ’cause I’m turning British. :p

UGH!! So I have to talk about zombies now! *whine*

I don’t like zombies.



In all honesty.

I DON’T like zombies.

I don’t even remember when I first heard about this movie, but I remember first hearing the title and thinking, “Oooo! That sounds cool! What’s it about?” Then I heard what it was about, and I went “Ew.” Dropped all interest in watching the movie right then and there.

No interest. WHATSOEVER.

I’m not a zombie fan.

And I’m not a Brad Pitt fan.

So there’s no point. I just passed on it.

Weeeell then August 4th came around…

And I was introduced to a brand new actor.

His name was Peter Capaldi.

And I liked him right from the start.

And what do you do when you meet a new actor that you fall instantly in love with?

You IMDb-stalk him.

So there I were on IMDb, reading about who this fantastic bloke was who was going to be playing our dear Twelfth Doctor. And I casually scrolled down the list of movies, TV shows, what have you that he’s been in. Right near the top of the list was World War Z. He was playing a W.H.O. doctor.

BAM! Instant interest in the movie. I had to see it! And eventually, we did!

Yes. The only reason I watched World War Z was for Peter Capaldi.


I’m not kidding. There was NO other appeal to the movie for me whatsoever!

*SIGH* I suppose I should actually do some sort of review for this movie. Even though I don’t really want to, ’cause I didn’t like it and there was very little that I was impressed with.

The plot is actually a pretty simple one. A former United Nations employee named Gerry Lane, played by Brad Pitt, is suddenly recruited back into work when a strange phenomenon begins taking place. Some sort of virus has gotten out–a virus that causes people to turn into animals, in a way. Those who are infected start going berserk. Once they catch the virus, they start going after others who haven’t been infected and they jump on them, attack them–anything they have to do to bite them and infect them. It’s almost like instinct for them. They HAVE to infect others. And they will do absolutely ANYTHING to get to a healthy person. Kick down doors, come crashing through windows, stand in front of oncoming cars. It’s gruesome. So it’s up to Gerry and the United Nations to figure out how to cure this epidemic.

I honestly DID NOT like this movie. In case you couldn’t tell already LOL! I just don’t like zombies. They’re not only completely unrealistic, but also just REALLY, REALLY terrifying! They’re right up there with werewolves. If it weren’t for the zombie factor, and they were replaced with, I don’t know, evil aliens or something, then I could do it. Just ANYTHING but zombies! *shudders*

Granted, the movie had some GREAT action in it! It had very exciting bits. The movie pretty much BEGINS with the whole beginning of the zombie apocalypse. It was just BAM! Within the first ten minutes, ZOMBIES! It was intense! So from an action movie point of view, the movie definitely delivered!

Also, the beginning concept for the virus was extremely clever, I thought. It was speculated early on in the movie that the virus was some sort of strain of rabies. That TOTALLY makes sense! People going all mindlessly violent and attacking other people, who immediately get sick. It’s pretty similar to rabies. So it was like human rabies. THAT was clever! I really enjoyed that concept.

But still. The zombies were stinkin’ terrifying! I have never been so disturbed in all my life by a movie. Not even Doctor Who could prepare me for World War Z. The first time we see a person be converted in the movie, all I could do was just sit there on the couch and gape in absolute horror, like I was watching a Mayan human sacrifice ceremony. It was just ghastly! And the way the zombies move, and the sounds they make, and their teeth. *shudders* It was so disturbing!! I was nearly ready to just give up on the movie, 15 minutes in. And it just kept getting worse as the movie went on.


AT LONG LAST, Capaldi showed up. He didn’t come in until around the last act, and he probably had a total of ten minutes of screen time. But even though he had a small role, he gave a great performance! It was all worth it in the end. We got to see him shout a bit too, which we know the Doctor does a lot of. So we got to see a little sneak peek of the Doctor there. 😀

The solution to the zombie problem was NOT what I thought it was going to be! I was pleasantly surprised. My solution kind of went along the line of the zombies being attracted to noises. The people we noticed who weren’t attacked by the zombies were just standing still as the zombies ran past them. That got me thinking that maybe the trick was to not freak out when you see the zombies and just stand still, and maybe that’s what keeps them from attacking you. But that wasn’t the case. I’m not going to tell you what the cure was, because of spoilers. But it was clever! Definitely not a thought that would have crossed my mind.

So do you like zombies? Do you like action movies? Do you like Brad Pitt? Then World War Z is just the movie for you! Brad Pitt actually did a pretty good job in this movie. I heard something about him saying that he wouldn’t have done this movie if the story wasn’t original enough. So the fact that he did this movie is saying something. It really is an original movie. It has new stuff in it that hasn’t been done before. So that’s something. Just for my part, it was too much for me and I personally didn’t care for it. It’s a wonder I didn’t have any nightmares after watching it.