You Feed the Madness, It Feeds on You



And this post is late! For which I do apologize with all my heart. The last several weeks for me have been PACKED full! We had a family emergency, which called for a week-long trip to Oregon. By the time we came back, the Wicked Witch had already begun her mischief in Storybrooke.

But I’m getting ahead of the story. Things didn’t start out in Storybrooke. They began in New York. Right where we left off from the last half of the season. Emma and Henry were living happily together in a quite posh apartment, drinking hot chocolate with cinnamon and playing video games.

And Emma had a boyfriend.



This Walsh. I am not sure about this Walsh.



And then Hook popped up at Emma’s door, after having been gone for a year. The first half of the season ended with Hook trying to explain things to Emma, but that didn’t go too well. He ended up crumpled on the floor with a bruise and probably a bleeding heart. But as far as Emma was concerned, he could have been some drunk out-of-work Shakespearean actor looking for a shiny thing to steal. Because he was still dressed as a pirate. Not a trusty first impression.

So the first episode of this half of the season was about Hook getting Emma to remember who she was. Which he did, eventually (where on Enchanted Forest earth could he have gotten that potion??), but there was only enough for Emma. Henry still has no clue about Storybrooke or anything of the kind.

Aaaand then there was the issue of the Walsh.


Well, we all knew right off the bat that Emma wasn’t going to go with it.

And then, a little later on, a thing happened.

An appropriate catchphrase for this half of the season is “Didn’t see that coming!”



Walsh was a monkey.

A flying monkey.

From The Wizard of Oz.


That took a little bit of time to process. It was one of the weirdest things that has happened in the show so far. Luckily, he got deaded.

So! Apparently Storybrooke is back. Why, we have no idea yet. But everyone in the town has no memory of what has happened over the past year. In other words, everything that has happened in the show up to this point they don’t remember. The last thing Charming and Snow remember was leaving Emma in the wardrobe when the Curse hit.

But they know something is not right because something has changed about Snow.

There’s another royal baby on the way (which is a good cover-up story for the fact that Ginnifer Goodwin is actually pregnant in real life)!

There’s no doubt, at least up to this point, that the Wicked Witch is behind all that has happened. But no one in Storybrooke knows about that yet. So the next episode was about finding the person who caused Storybrooke to come back.

Emma and Henry were back in Storybrooke. But, unfortunately, Henry still didn’t have his memories back. The only thing that was more heartbreaking than his absentminded ignorance of his hometown was Regina’s face when she saw him. THAT WAS NOT OKAY! She saw him! But he didn’t know who she was! There was nothing Regina could do! *heart shatters in a million pieces*

Speaking of Regina, we learned something new about her in the flashback. She had just gotten into her castle with her supposed-to-be true-love not Jonas Armstrong Robin Hood. Apparently, the only secret passage into the castle was sealed with blood magic–something Regina and only Regina could break. But the secret door into the castle was open. HOW COULD IT BE OPEN? There’s no possible way that door could be opened!


…the Wicked Witch is somehow related to Regina.

But the Wicked Witch can’t be related to Regina. Who on earth could she be?

How about Regina’s sister?

Wait. WHAT?!


Insert catchphrase of the season here: “Didn’t see that coming!”

*facepalm* Man, that Cora! She’s just full of secrets! She made no hint to this whatsoever!

Oh wait.


Not again! Guys, we have another member of Henry’s extended family.


*huff* Blimey!

Well! Okay, we’ll just slide that into the processing corner of our minds and try to let that sink in for the rest of the season.

In the meantime, Zelena is on the prowl in Storybrooke, and she just happens to come across Snow.


Ugh! And my family and I all cringed at this scene. *shudder*

Sometime after this scene took place, after Zelena probably placed some type of dreadful curse on that baby, she headed down into a mysterious cellar.

Where could this lead to, I wondered.




RUMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S ALIVE!!!

My family screamed so loud at the sight of him that we couldn’t even hear what he said! True story.

Okay. All is right with the world now. I don’t care what happens now. Now that we know for certain where Rumple is, there’s nothing that could break my hea…

emma and daddyNever mind. I’m going to stuff my face into that plush giraffe and sob my eyes out for a million years. D,X

Last Sunday’s episode was a Charming episode. And a very touching one.

Charming is a bit scared of this new baby that he and Snow are about to have. And rightly so. He and his wife had technically never raised a child. They’re essentially new parents. And Charming is scared to death that he will fail this new child, just like he failed Emma. Poor guy!

And of course the “midwife” Zelena had to step in and interfere with things. Charming was eventually able to face his fear, but only through some kind of evil magic that Zelena put into his tea. Charming had dealt with this magic object, the night root, before, but someone else was dealing with its effects. Rapunzel!

Rapunzel! YUS!! I was really excited to have her join the Once Upon a Time family. And I really liked her! She didn’t have that big of a part, though. I hope we get to see her again.

Emma, Charming and Hook are still on the hunt for whoever caused Storybrooke to return, and after Charming’s run-in with the night root, they now know that it’s the Wicked Witch who’s behind everything. They come across a strange house a ways out of Storybrooke that can only be Dorothy’s house. And they come across the cellar.

Yes. Release Rumplestiltskin! It doesn’t matter that he’s mad. He needs to get away from Zelena, WHO HAS HIS DAGGER, BY THE WAY.

They get down into the cellar, only to find the cell completely empty. Rumplestiltskin has escaped somehow. But who could have broken in to let him out?

By the looks of things from next week’s episode, it looks like Neal might have done it. And that doesn’t bode well for him because anyone who crosses Zelena gets into very serious trouble. We haven’t seen very much of Neal at all this half of the season, and it’s very disconcerting. And from the looks of things, he’s not doing well. Please don’t turn him into a flying monkey! We like the Neal!

All right, Oncers, what do you think of the season and our new villain so far? Are you Team Evil or Team Wicked?