News From the Whoniverse: Series 8 Is in the Works!!!

This post is so overdue, it’s not even funny. :p

HOWEVER, better late than never, so! Let’s. Do. This. Thing!

(Totally wrote that in Eleven’s voice. *sniffle* I miss him)

Feels aside, however, last month brought around the long awaited announcement that filming for series 8 had officially begun!!


This is the first time I’ve actually been caught up in the show, so this is my first time experiencing all these new Doctor festivities. It’s been exciting being in the same boat as the rest of the Whovians.

January 6th was the official starting date for filming. It was a rather quiet announcement. Not what I expected. In my mind, Facebook should have exploded with the news, but it was just a couple meek posts that were up. But I assure you, much celebrating was going on in my mind.

Initiate the countdown to the costume announcement.

XD That was literally the thing I was looking forward to the most. The step of the whole new Doctor phase that carried the most anticipation for me.

Little did I know how hard my nerves would be tried. The wait was much longer than I expected!

The following day, we got this gem:


LOOK IT!! THE VERY FIRST PICTURE OF FILMING!! It’s perfect! I smile every time I see it. 🙂

The next Monday, January 13th, was another big day, when more pictures were released. It was also the first day of the spring semester for me. So the entire day, I was all piled up with schoolwork and so busy getting my bearings for the coming semester that I momentarily forgot that Doctor Who was filming. :p

It wasn’t until the next day that I went onto Tumblr and Facebook, and suddenly everywhere was flooded with new series 8 pictures. Best. Morning. Ever!!

This was the very first picture I came across:

The Doctor riding a horse! I love it!!

There were a TON of other pictures too, all of which alluded to a Victorian era episode. Which is really interesting because I had a feeling that Twelve’s first episode was going to be a period episode. o.O

Here’s a link to a couple more pictures from the same shoot.

And an extra special treat that absolutely made my life:

After that epic day, there was a full two weeks of silence.


Absolutely nothing.

GAH!!! My nerves couldn’t take much more of this! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO ANNOUNCE A COSTUME???

Then, one seemingly normal morning–on January 27th–I had a feeling it was going to happen. There was a distinct anticipation in the air on this particular day. The big day was here. I could feel it! Later that afternoon, I was in the kitchen when my sister called me upstairs. Eagerly, I abandoned my sandwich making and went up to see what it was my sister wanted to show me.



Ladies and gentlemen, HERE IS OUR TWELFTH DOCTOR!! 😀

I LOVE his costume SO MUCH!! I don’t even have any words to describe how fantastic it is! That red inside his jacket is a very nice touch! I’m a huge fan of that jacket.

AND THOSE SHOES!! Those are some of the classiest shoes I have ever seen in Doctor Who! The whole outfit itself is just classy. A bit magician-like. :3

I read about some people comparing Twelve’s costume to Three’s costume.

I see the resemblance. 🙂

I couldn’t help but notice too that Twelve’s outfit isn’t that different from Eleven’s. He still has the vest and waistcoat thing going there. Just a little thing I thought was interesting. Maybe Twelve still likes the professor sort of look. 😉

What’s that? You want a picture of the filming of series 8 with Twelve’s new costume? All right, fine… 😉 Here ya go.

Adorable, right? Here, you might as well have another one.

peterfuckingcapaldii:His cute face°°



It HAS to be! He’s married to River Song, after all (we all know that Capaldi’s already married and it’s his own wedding ring he’s wearing, but still…). That would be so precious if the Doctor was choosing his next costume and he happened upon his wedding ring and he decided to start wearing it. ❤ ❤

Series 8 hasn’t even begun yet and headcanons are already floating about. :p

Well, I believe that concludes today’s Capaldi news. Stay tuned as this blog keeps you updated on any new developments.

The Time of the Doctor



*takes deep breath*

The moment has come.

The moment I’ve been dreading almost as much as the actual event itself.

I don’t want to do it.

But it must be done.

It’s time to talk about the Fall of the Eleventh.

Christmas day dawned with the usual excited anticipation Christmas brings about. This Christmas, however, was a very emotionally complicated one, in that both my sister and I knew what was coming. So our Christmas anticipation was tainted ever so slightly by the knowledge of what was to come later that evening.

The Eleventh Doctor was going to regenerate.

And that in itself is immensely emotionally complicated because the Eleventh Doctor is my Doctor and I didn’t want him to go. But pulling at my heartstrings just as hard was my already established love for the Twelfth Doctor. I’m extremely excited to see what magic Peter Capaldi will bring to the show. But Matt Smith’s magic has had a special place in my heart for the past year or so. How does one deal with so many feels??

The fateful hour approached. The special Farewell to Matt Smith show on BBC America was over. Off went the lights and on went the fezzes, in one final salute to our favorite Doctor. Boxes of tissues were at the ready. There was no turning back now. We had to face it.

So there we were, preparing for the worst, when the beginning of the episode got off to a HILARIOUS start!! Emotional roller coaster phone calls, meeting Clara’s family and “going to church”. OH MY GOODNESS!!! XD I don’t know what’s worse, though, feels wise. Having a sad opening to an episode or a funny one. ‘Cause funny openings are just the calm before the storm.

So this “church” that the Doctor is going to is more like a spaceship, and it’s there that he and Clara meet the Mother Superious, Tasha Lem.

Doctor Who

It was Clara’s first time meeting her, but the Doctor and Tasha have met, apparently. Classic Who character?

The Papal Mainframe, the technical name of the spaceship, is orbiting around a planet that the Doctor and Clara are unaware of what its name is so far (but of course, we knew what it was). There’s some type of message transmitting from the planet’s surface, and Tasha recruits the Doctor to go and investigate.

Once on the planet, Clara and the Doctor happen upon a town called Christmas, a charming little village with a peaceful community of people that look like they’re from the Victorian era. It’s not long before the Doctor and Clara realize there’s something called a truth field around the village, and that’s how they find out where they are, because they can’t tell a lie.


By the way, I was a bit surprised at what Clara said when she introduced herself, about how she fancied the Doctor. It never seemed to me like she fancied him. She certainly hasn’t been a Martha about it! If she really does fancy him, she’s done an incredible job of hiding it!

So the Doctor and Clara continue to investigate the town, and soon they find the source of the message. A crack in a wall.


Hold on. Weren’t the cracks in the walls already explained?


Funny thing: I was actually thinking about this at some point beforehand. It did seem like the cracks in the walls weren’t fully explained. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was missing from the whole story, with the cracks.

But now we were getting the missing pieces.

And this is where the classic Moffat mindblown moment was incorporated.

Put simply, the cracks in the walls, the sky, Spaceship U.K., wherever, are what the Doctor described them as. Waaaay at the beginning, in The Eleventh Hour, he said they’re points in space and time that should never have touched.

What wasn’t entirely clear, though, was what was on the other side of those cracks. We know that anything that goes through those cracks is erased from history, never to be remembered by anyone.

Sounding a bit familiar yet?

Remember The Day of the Doctor? When the Doctor froze Gallifrey in a specific time? He put them in a pocket universe. And the Time Lords weren’t too happy about it. So wouldn’t they try to find a way to come back?

Yes. The Time Lords–GALLIFREY–are what’s on the other side of those cracks. They’ve always been there, it’s how it’s always been from series 5, up till now. And the message is emanating from the cracks. The message is the oldest question in the universe. Hidden in plain sight. “Doctor Who?” If the Doctor answers that question, if he says his name, Gallifrey and the Time Lords will come through those cracks into our universe.

MOFFAT HAS BEEN PLANNING THIS FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, GUYS. This has been his WHOLE plan, all along, for the Eleventh Doctor! From day 1, he’s been building up to THIS moment, THIS episode!!


Seriously, this is one of THE BEST episodes Moffat has ever done, when it comes to storytelling. WELL. DONE. SIR!

I’m not even going to bother trying to explain the whole Silence/River/Madame Kovarian thing. It’s wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey at its pinnacle and I’m still sorting it out. However, there’s a handy little explanation I found on Pinterest a few weeks back that I’ll share with you to read for yourself:


With this crazy news about Gallifrey, a war was on its way. If memory serves, Tasha Lem and the Doctor were on the side that didn’t want the question to be answered. Gallifrey had to stay where it was, at all costs. The Daleks, Cybermen and the Kovarian sect of the Silence are on the other side. They want Gallifrey to come through so that they can destroy it. I think that’s how it went. Unfortunately, Tasha had been killed by a Dalek and now she was technically one, so then she ended up being on the Daleks’ side.

She declared war on the Doctor, and this was interesting, she called for a time of silence until the Doctor said his name. “Silence will fall when the question is asked.” Again, the mindblowing!

The Doctor took Clara back home and he went back to Trenzalore to defend the town of Christmas in the battles that ensued.

He ended up staying there for 300 years, I think it was, fending off Daleks and wooden Cybermen, with the help of the Silence, which were now his friends, I guess? It was quite fitting for the Doctor to stay so long in a town called Christmas. The Victorian era seems to be a favorite time period of his–he stayed in Victorian London after the Ponds left. So I imagine he was far from unhappy while he was there.

So it’s great that he was defending the town and all, but we all know what the greatest moment of that whole time period was. THE DRUNK GIRAFFE CAME BACK!!

MATT’S WISH WAS GRANTED!! “One last hurrah for the Drunk Giraffe.” I nearly started crying then.

Clara’s return to Christmas was INSANE. She held onto the TARDIS as it went through the time vortex to get back to Trenzalore. SHE DID EXACTLY WHAT JACK HARKNESS DID IN UTOPIA. SHE SHOULD HAVE DIED. But she didn’t. Which makes me wonder if the TARDIS was protecting her. Hmmm…

She and the Doctor then had a conversation, as they watched the few minutes of sunlight that Christmas got. The Doctor went into an explanation of his regenerations, so we finally have some clarification. So the regeneration from Paul McGann to John Hurt did, in fact, count as a regeneration. It wasn’t an artificial one, like I theorized it might be. But John Hurt’s Doctor went by another name, the War Doctor, so he technically speaking wasn’t “the Doctor”. But the regeneration still counted. So this regeneration that was coming up for the Doctor would be his 12th regeneration–his last one. So hopefully that clears up any questions/doubts you all had.

The Doctor took Clara back home again ’cause she couldn’t be part of the war (we all knew that he lied to her when he said he’d never leave her again. Rule No. 1). But at some point, the TARDIS came back for her again. But it wasn’t the Doctor flying it. It was Tasha Lem. She came to bring Clara back to Trenzalore so she could be with the Doctor in his final moments. He was dying, apparently.

The Doctor was dying, but not of what I expected him to be dying of. Here my naïve self was sitting, being a New Whovian and having been exposed only to regenerations that have come about by violent causes. I completely forgot that the Doctor can die of old age. And that’s what he was dying from. As a side note, I liked how The Day of the Doctor kind of prepared us for Eleven’s regeneration, through the War Doctor’s regeneration. It was a reminder that the Doctor can die of old age, it doesn’t have to come about by radiation or a bullet.

That was a LONG regeneration, though! My goodness! That glowy regeneration stuff was coming out of Matt for a good minute, at least! Regeneration must take longer when it comes to repairing old age. But it was a LOT of regeneration energy too, and if I remember correctly, it took out the Dalek ship. So that ended the war. But the episode certainly wasn’t over.

The Doctor made it back to the TARDIS before Clara did, and when she got back to it, Eleven’s old man clothes were tossed on the floor and there was a bowl of fish fingers and custard sitting on the console. Fish fingers and custard!! Eleven was remembering his first days! *dies*

The next bit was such a troll! We see these shoes slowly coming up the stairs, and my first thought was that it was Capaldi. Twelve was already here! Phew! We were spared the emotional damage of the actual regeneration. But hold on! That’s not fair! We needed to be with Eleven in his final moments!

Turns out he was still Eleven. He had just gone in to change back into his normal clothes. His face was young again, meaning it was almost time.

Before he went, though, he saw a vision of Amy coming to him to say goodnight.

The first face his face ever saw. AND THE LAST FACE!!! AAAAGGGGHHHH!! FEELS!!

But the real hearbreaker came when Clara said, “But you’re the Doctor.” That’s when I lost it. Initiate the uncontrollable sobbing.



And so was this. The Eleventh Doctor's last lines.

And so was this. The Eleventh Doctor’s last lines.

And then he started glowing. This was it. The last time we would ever see Eleven. Here we go. Wait for it…wait fo…







He’s…he’s gone! Eleven’s gone!!

That was it!


And there’s Twelve, standing there with his huge eyes and intense eyebrows (which I’ve been a fan of ever since November 23rd).

And then we got his first lines as the new Doctor, which were heartbreaking because of the dramatic change in voice. And there was a split moment of panic when he said, “Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?” But then, remembering the side effects of regeneration–amnesia being one of them–there’s no concern for him at all. Watching the scene again later, it’s ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! I’m in love with Twelve already. He just feels right.

Needless to say, though, I shut myself in my room after the episode ended and I sobbed on my bed like a Disney princess for almost an hour.


I wasn’t myself for the rest of the week, I had a headache for at least the day after Christmas and I still can’t bring myself to put my fez back in the closet. It’s still sitting by my bed.

It was THE WORST episode, feels wise, in the history of ever; BUT, it was also one of the most clever episodes ever done in New Who, thus far. Moffat really did a MAGNIFICENT job with the Eleventh Doctor’s story, and it left off at the perfect place for Twelve to pick up from. Matt Smith will be missed every day, but we have a whole new exciting chapter of the story to look forward to with Peter Capaldi! I’m really excited!!

Goodnight, Raggedy Man. ❤ ❤

Any Day Now…

Hello, my dear Whovians! Happy first day of winter (my favorite month)!! This blog post is a special one, not only because it’s about Doctor Who, but also because this fandom is the fandom that I’m writing my last blog post of 2013 about. A bit bittersweet, but exciting nonetheless because of the exciting news I have to share with all of you. 😀

On Tuesday, we received word from BBC that Peter Capaldi had done his first readthrough of the first script for the 8th series.




Which means that filming will begin VERY soon, next week is when I heard it would start, actually (which is a bit surprising, considering it’s the week of Christmas). Filming means that there will no doubt be pictures taken during shooting, WHICH MEANS THAT THEY’RE GOING TO HAVE TO RELEASE COSTUME PICTURES SOMETIME SOON!!!

It could be any day now.



GUYS, I’M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! We’ll get to see what special garb our Twelfth Doctor will be wearing in his travels through time and space to find Gallifrey. There will MOST DEFINITELY be pictures posted on this blog ASAP! Pronto! LOL! XD

And on that note, that’s really all the news I have for now. Stay tuned till next year for more blog posts, including the heart-wrenching blog post about the Christmas special, WHICH IS ONLY TOM BAKER DAYS AWAY!! AAAGGGHHH!!!

So vale, my fellow Whovians! Have a holly, jolly Christmas and a Happy New Year! I shall be with you all in spirit on our big fateful day. See you all in 2014!

News From the Whoniverse: Split Free!!!

HELLOOOO WHOVIANS!!! How are you all holding up, this week? We’re at Matt Smith (11) days until the Christmas special now, and I don’t know about you, but the sheer dread has been constantly building up for me. By the time Christmas comes around, I’ll have a skyscraper of feels and the death of Eleven will cue its collapse. And it’s not going to be pretty. Nope! Mm-mm! It’ll be a catastrophe.

But in the midst of that impending doom that’s approaching far too swiftly for my taste, I also have some VERY, VERY good news that will hopefully brighten your spirits.

It has been confirmed several times over that series 8 will NOT be split.

cde42cb3_Picard-YES-memeSeries 7 was split and so was series 6, apparently (I was still getting caught up in Doctor Who when series 6 was airing so I wouldn’t know anything about it). Having a hiatus right in the middle of the series was TORTURE! Pure torture!! Granted, it was a well-timed hiatus, since the Ponds left and we needed time to recover. But it was still EXTREMELY agonizing, so this is FANTASTIC news that we’re receiving! We don’t have to go through that angst again.

So there’s that wonderful news. And as long as we’re talking about news in the Whoniverse, I might as well discuss this topic too:

There were a couple days on Facebook this past week where Whovians were in a state of utter confusion. Two completely different articles were released near the beginning of this week, I think. One article said that Matt Smith is the 13th Doctor. Another article that came out later said that the number of regenerations stays the same. Meaning Smith is still Eleven. Both articles claimed to be from the mouth of Moffat himself. They both said that they had Moffat’s word to back them up. As you can guess, theories and criticisms of these conflicting articles were being thrown about left and right. It was so confusing! Which article was right?

For any of you Whovians out there who are dealing with this question of which Doctor Matt Smith REALLY is, allow me to add my two cents to the story.

No doubt this confusion is all stemming from the creation of John Hurt’s Doctor, “the War Doctor” as he’s called. His Doctor has thrown everyone’s previously held concepts of the Doctor’s regenerations into a mad jumble. If the War Doctor came after Eight, then technically the War Doctor is the Ninth Doctor, making Eccleston the Tenth Doctor, Tennant the Eleventh Doctor and so on.

TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, that’s how it would normally be. With the War Doctor and the addition of Ten’s metacrisis Doctor, it would bring the total to 13 Doctors at Matt Smith. If we were literally counting each and every time the Doctor regenerated, that’s how it would be. BUT, in the words of Matt Smith…

d4a33aede7122b5efda181e617475110To try to sort out this mess, let’s go back to the words of the man himself, Steven Moffat. As all the speculation of John Hurt’s Doctor was floating around the Whoniverse, Moffat stepped in at some point and assured the fans that the number of regenerations for the Doctor stays the same. The War Doctor doesn’t affect how many times the Doctor has regenerated. How that’s possible, I’m not entirely sure. My best guess is that that elixir Eight drank in the Night of the Doctor minisode gave the Doctor an “artificial” regeneration, meaning that it didn’t count in the Doctor’s total tally. However, I’ve heard another theory, it actually might have come from Moffat, that it’s simply the fact that the Doctor simply had a different name in the Time War: the War Doctor. So then he technically WOULDN’T be the Doctor, so that would mean that the Doctor still had his normal number of regenerations. Regardless of theories, Moffat CLEARLY stated that the Doctor’s number of regenerations stays the same. And he’s said this on multiple occasions. Multiple articles have stated that Moffat said this.

So, me personally, I’m not going to trust this ONE ARTICLE that says something COMPLETELY different from what Moffat has been saying all this time. I think it’s just a rumor someone put out there that’s taking Moffat’s words and twisting them to fit fans’ theories about the whole regeneration topic.

We’re just going to have to trust Moffat on this one, guys. I’m still not sure how it works out, but he says that it all stays the same. So don’t freak out. Smith is still our dear Eleven and his numbering’s not changing.

And put simply, this is how I confirm that Matt Smith is Eleven.

doctorroom11Even the show has specifically listed him as Eleven. Moffat’s not going to change that.

So that’s my opinion. Hope that helps put your minds at ease. 🙂

All righty! Let’s move on to another topic. Who’s ready for some more feels!!

Oh, you’re not? Well, too bad, I’m going to show you anyway. I need to vent to somebody! :p

Another thing that’s happened this past week is another trailer for the Christmas special has been released. It’s only 20 seconds longer than the first one we got at the end of The Day of the Doctor, but A LOT happens in that extra 20 seconds. 20 seconds of stinkin’ feels! Here it is:

I’m telling you, the voice of those Daleks haunts me to no end. “THE DOCTOR IS REGENERATING!!” But…but but…*blubbers incoherently* NO!! MY FEELS!!! I’m nearly brought to tears just at that one split second! I’M NOT READY!! I’M NOT READY FOR ELEVEN TO GO!!!

Okay, I need to start talking about something else before I start bawling right here and now. One last thing! I found this link on the BBC America page on Facebook. Click here and you can submit what you love about the Eleventh Doctor, what you’ll miss about him…stuff like that. It sounds like, from what they say on the page, that they’ll compile the comments into an e-card and then send it to Matt Smith. I’m not sure if it’s actually going to be ALL comments or just like the top 50 comments or whatever, but if you want to just participate with the community, go ahead and let other Whovians know what you love about Eleven. I did it and I was like comment #749 or something like that. There’s A LOT of people doing this! So yeah. Just a fun little thing. 🙂

I shall keep you all up to date on any other Who News I come across in the future. Continue to stay strong, my fellow Whovians!


Doctor Who at the Cinema

Hey, everybody! Happy Saturday to you all! Hope you’re having a great weekend! WELLLLL…as great as it CAN be before finals week. Next week is NOT going to be fun! BUT, look at it this way: if we can just get past this next week, then school will be over for the YEAR. We won’t have any more school until 2014! Just one more week!

But until then, let’s take a little breather from Dead Week and talk about Doctor Who! I gotta tell you all about our day at the cinema because we had an interesting day, to say the least.

Monday, November 25th was a VERY exciting day! My sister and I were going to see the 50th anniversary of Doctor! Again!! But this time, in 12-D 3-D! It was the very last day the 50th anniversary would be available on the big screen, so this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m SO glad we were able to go!

The cinema was about a two-hour drive for us, but since there was probably going to be the whole traffic factor, and given that the cinema was close to a big city (nope. not going to tell you which city! Internet safety first!), we left about three or four hours before we needed to be there. It’s a good thing we left early because we got to the cinema about an hour before the show started. That gave us time to hit the mall that the cinema was right next to, and grab a bite to eat. Or at least TRY to get a bite to eat. I was so excited/anxious that I could barely stomach down four or five bites of food. Even though we had seen the episode before. XD

Funny story about us at the mall. It was the 50th anniversary, as you know. WELLLLL, a celebration of the 50th anniversary. And I had my fez with me that I was going to wear in the cinema, as part of my dressing up. I thought to myself, “Well, hey. I’ll wear my fez IN the mall. There’s bound to be other Whovians walking about here and they’ll take notice and we’ll get all excited seeing each other and just be all like, ‘Hey, see you later at the theater!'” No one else noticed. In fact, I don’t think any Whovians of any sort were there in the mall at all. And come the time we got to the food court, I noticed people from other countries ordering food and what not. And then I thought to myself, “You know. There are probably some people who would be REALLY offended by seeing a GIRL wearing a FEZ in public. They might not know of the fandom or the show.” So I very sheepishly removed my fez and humbly sat it on the table while we ate. And I felt a bit wretched ’cause that’s the LAST thing I want to do is to offend anybody. But if I did, it’s not a HUGE deal because that mall is pretty far from where we live. We’re probably not going back there again anytime soon. So that made me feel a little better.

But I was quick to put the fez back on when we went back to the cinema. There weren’t as many people there as I thought there were going to be, let alone people who dressed up. One boy actually came up to me and asked me why I was wearing the fez. Good gracious, do these people really not know what Doctor Who is??

My sister and I gleefully turned in our tickets, got our 3-D glasses and headed back to our screen. THEN we found out why we didn’t see anyone dressed up in the lobby. All the cosplayers were already there sitting down. In fact, the place was practically packed full! My sister and I stood there for a few minutes just trying to find TWO seats for us! We finally just went for the gung-ho front seats. We sat probably about five rows from the screen.

We had about 15 minutes until everything started, and we had fun reading the trivia facts that were up on the screen. At one point, one of the theater people came in, announcing to everyone that they had a full house that night so he was asking people to make room for others who were coming in. That was crazy! It made me even more glad that we got our tickets when we did!

The show eventually started. OH MY WORD!! THE STRAX VIDEO WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! I have never laughed so hard at a cinema IN MY LIFE!! “Million tiny screams.” XD I LOVE STRAX SO MUCH!!!

The little pre-video was a lot of fun too. The entire theater went completely BERSERK with the screams of groups of fangirls when Ten showed up on the screen. He really is loved by many.

And then they whole Zygon detector thing was a lot of fun. Our facial furniture was functioning as it should. 😉

As the episode got started, however, I quickly realized that something was wrong.

The 3-D wasn’t working.

Seriously, the 3-D wasn’t working! I don’t know how 3-D does NOT work, but it definitely wasn’t working! The screen was all blurry, the whole double image thing going on. Like the screen was trying to 3-D, but it was failing miserably My head started to hurt from watching it.

Me and my nerdy brain then instantly started to freak out, and (LOL!) the FIRST thought that popped into my head was, “Oh no. My brain’s messed up. I’VE WATCHED TOO MANY 3-D MOVIES AND NOW MY BRAIN CAN’T PROCESS THE 3-D-NESS ANYMORE!!” That’s literally what I started out with! XD

Then my thoughts moved to the glasses. Maybe the glasses weren’t working. But we did the Zygon detector thing. The glasses SHOULD be working. Maybe I should go and ask for new ones, just in case. I tried my sister’s glasses on, and hers were doing the same thing. The screen was still blurry. I sat back in my seat and I may have panicked internally for a moment or two. We paid $30 to see this episode. And now THIS was happening. SHOULD I go and see about getting new glasses?

Then, it got to the scene where the helicopter was flying the TARDIS over the Thames and London and all that. RIGHT at the exact instant when it went to that scene, the 3-D suddenly turned on! I noticed because everyone in the theater started cheering and clapping. I guess they were having the same problem too.

Good grief! XD

The episode was AMAZING, once the 3-D was on! There was more depth to the picture, and it looked like we were actually there with all the characters as everything was happening.

My favorite thing with the 3-D was actually the most terrifying thing. The Daleks. OH. MY WORD. The Daleks were TERRIFYING. I’m scared to death of the Daleks as it is, but having those stinkin’ eye stalks pointing OUT of the screen STRAIGHT AT YOUR STINKIN’ FACE, AND YOU’RE FACE TO FACE WITH THE DALEKS…I literally froze in my seat in terror! It looked so real, and I felt just like that little Gallifreyan girl, cowering to the ground in fear at the sight of it. Oh, it was great!

I’ve already told you all about my thoughts on the episode, so I don’t need to go over that again. It was obvious that this was the first time a lot of the Whovians had seen the episode, though. It was a lot of fun hearing their reactions. They burst out laughing at all the proper times and they cheered when favorite actors came on. Everyone’s favorite line was, “Timey wimey?” “I have no idea where he picks up that kind of stuff.” The whole theater went wild with laughter. The theater also gave a VERY enthusiastic cheer and round of applause when Twelve showed up, but it positively EXPLODED when Tom Baker came on screen! There was someone who started sniffling then too. There was also a collective, “AWWWW!” from all the fangirls when Ten said, “I don’t want to go.” That…that’s just such a kick in the feels. Wretched. Wretched feels.

There was an applause when the episode was over, and then we were treated to a behind the scenes look at the making of The Day of the Doctor. That was a lot of fun. Everyone got a kick out of seeing Paul McGann wishing Doctor Who a Happy 50th, and seeing Colin Baker as he wrapped up the narrating. That was awesome, seeing him!

So that’s our story of our experience at the cinema with Doctor Who. It was absolutely wonderful, and I won’t soon forget any of it. I saved the movie ticket. 🙂 Did any of you guys go to see The Day of the Doctor at the theater? My best friend and fellow blogger saw the 50th for the first time on Monday, and she has some very interesting thoughts on it .

So, the season of the 50th anniversary has ended, and we’re moving into the brand new season of the Christmas special.

And there was a collective groan of misery and anguish from all the Whovians around the world. :p

I gotta say, the ELEVEN second trailer is pretty epic, if you ignore the fact of what’s actually going to happen in that episode. Here it is, if you haven’t seen it yet.

But seriously, though, the further we go into December, the more shaky and unpredictable my feels get. As we get closer to Christmas, the feels get more and more fragile, like a bomb. I feel like the few days right before Christmas, at the SLIGHTEST disturbance, I could go off. Are you guys getting that too?

And may I just say that the song Silent Night has been COMPLETELY ruined for me this year!! After seeing the fan-made posters, with the fan-made title “Silent Night”, I just can’t even anymore. Josh Groban’s version of Silent Night was the first version of the song I listened to this year, so I didn’t know at the time what I was in for. I nearly died. Really, I almost sat on the bed and started crying. And now, whenever the song comes up on Pandora, I’m just all “NOPE” and I skip it. It’s too much! It’s just too much! *shakes fist* MOFFAT!!! Yet ANOTHER thing you’ve ruined for me!

And I’ve already had TWO dreams about the Christmas special! I think it’s my brain telling me that I’m still in denial about Matt Smith leaving. That denial is going to catch up with me, though. When it actually happens, I might have to have a defibrillator on hand to revive myself. I JUST DON’T WANT MATT SMITH TO GO!! D’X

But then, of course, the good news about the Christmas special is that we’re getting closer and closer to the era of the Twelfth Doctor. I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT THE TWELFTH DOCTOR, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! They’re going to start filming the eighth series sometime this month, probably VERY soon actually, ’cause they have to factor in Christmas break and all that. And it SOUNDS like we’ll be starting off the new series next August. Exciting stuff!! 😀

So the hour of our doom on Christmas day, for us American Whovians will be at 9:00 PM Eastern time. We have…what is math…18 days until our dear Eleven regenerates. About two and a half weeks. 😦

So, as far as Whoblogging goes (hehehe, I like that word. Is that even a word?), I’ll talk about any new developments I notice with series 8 news, if there are any, on Saturdays. If not, this’ll probably be the last post about Doctor Who until next year. So a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you all, my fellow Whovians! All my sympathies go out to you, in advance, for the big day. We’re all in this together. *sniffle*

50. The Day of the Doctor

THE DAY IS HERE, EVERYBODY. THE DAY IS HERE. The moment we have all been waiting so patiently for (hopefully), the day that we has been the constant topic of conversation and the most anticipated day of 2013–certainly the most anticipated day for Doctor Who, period–has AT LONG LAST arrived!!

Gracious, I’m getting crazy butterflies just sitting here writing this. It’s going to take me WEEKS to recover from this episode. It was POSITIVELY SPLENDIFEROUS!! Absolutely perfect in EVERY SINGLE WAY POSSIBLE! Steven Moffat!! WELL DONE, SIR! You GENIUS!!! How do you keep being so brilliant?? This is Moffat’s best episode to date! It really is! The story was MAGNIFICENT and all the Doctors together…AAAGGGHHH! It was just fantastic!

So! Premise of the story! It’s the end of the Time War for John Hurt’s Doctor, and he’s trying to decide whether to destroy Gallifrey or not. He stole a machine called The Moment that he was going to use to perform the deed. Suddenly, the “conscience” of the machine comes to life, in the form of Rose Tyler, and she takes him into his future to see what kind of man he’ll be in the future, after he’s destroyed Gallifrey.

Blimey, there’s SO MUCH to talk about! So Clara and the Doctor are still on a tentative schedule, as far as time traveling goes. Meaning Clara doesn’t live in the TARDIS with the Doctor 24/7 like Rose, Martha and Donna did. She apparently has a new job as a teacher. I didn’t quite catch if she liked the job. It sounded like she didn’t, but again, didn’t catch what she said.

The opening title!! I LOVED IT!! The words “Matt Smith” comes up on the screen as he flies by hanging on to the TARDIS. It was priceless! XD

Can I just say how BOSS Gallifreyan paintings are?? Of COURSE they would be bigger on the inside, hence the whole 3-D effect. That’s going to look SO COOL at the cinema in 3-D! That’s probably the thing I’m looking forward to the most when my sister and I go to see it on the big screen.

I don’t know how Moffat came up with the idea to go with the whole Doctor and Elizabeth I story, but it was a GREAT idea! They were quite an amusing couple. Bess was absolutely infatuated with Ten, but Ten didn’t seem completely enthusiastic about the whole thing. The fact that he couldn’t tell her apart from the Zygon was a clue, I think, that their whole relationship was a mistake.

Okay, Zygons are absolutely terrifying! They’re shapeshifters, I guess. They can take the form of any living thing and assimilate their personalities, so as to avoid discovery. Things got confusing very quickly. They’re the perfect “Moffat monster” and I’m VERY surprised that Moffat hasn’t brought them in sooner. He could do so many evil things with those creatures. Oh dear…

So this is the story of how all three of the Doctors came together. I guess it was The Moment that created those time fissures, tears in reality, that enabled them all to be together. THE FEZ RETURNED! AGAIN!!! And it was absolutely FANTASTIC to see Ten put it on! Tee hee! John Hurt had the opportunity to put the fez on. I was sitting there on the couch saying, “Put the fez on, John. JAWN!! Put on the fez!” But he never did. You had ONE opportunity, John. ONE! :p

I LOVED John Hurt’s Doctor SO MUCH!! He was TERRIFIC. Just…perfectly terrific! His character was actually a bit unexpected for me. I was expecting him to be this really grim and gruff Doctor, but he actually had a good bit of “twinkle” in him too. And it was wonderful!! He was serious enough to be the show stealer we know him to be (he really does steal the spotlight with just a look), but he also still had that playful, childlike side to him. Oh goodness! I loved him!!

And Ten and Eleven together…oh my goodness! There couldn’t have been a better pairing. They played off each other so well, and it was so interesting to watch the differences and similarities between them, all in the same scene. Ten and Eleven are so similar, but they’re also VERY, VERY different. It looked like Matt Smith and David Tennant had a blast acting together.

One thing the episode did NOT do was explain WHY ON EARTH THE MOMENT’S “CONSCIENCE” LOOKED LIKE ROSE! It was very evident that we were not seeing Rose Tyler, but somebody else entirely. Which makes sense ’cause I’ve heard Moffat isn’t a Rose Tyler fan. So I applaud him for indulging the fans with Billie Piper coming back. But at the same time, he couldn’t have Rose Tyler in there, ’cause he doesn’t like her, so he went all clever with her character and gave her a completely different role that I don’t understand, to be honest. Is she supposed to be Bad Wolf? The Moment is supposed to be Bad Wolf? How can that be? If anyone can shed any light–theories, anything–to help us understand. ‘Cause I was completely confused. But I liked her character, whoever she was! She was kinda like Idris in The Doctor’s Wife.

That scene in the Tower of London with the door was priceless!! It’s SO like the Doctor to spend hours and hours, potentially, on a door, trying to figure out how to open it, despite the fact that sonic screwdrivers don’t work on wood, only to find that the door is actually unlocked. Classic!! That made my life so much! XD

Was anyone else almost crying when John Hurt’s Doctor went back to Gallifrey, and Ten and Eleven joined him to push the “big red button”? They decided to be there too so he wouldn’t have to do it alone. MY FEELS!!! It was heartbreaking!! They all were going to be part of the darkest day of the Doctor’s life. His home, his family, his friends, everything that was familiar to him, everything he grew up with he was on the brink of annihilating.

Except…a thing happened.

Who was it who had the idea? Clara? Ten? Eleven? All of them? I don’t remember who it was ’cause I was caught up in the moment (PUN! Haha! Anyway…), but someone came up with the BRILLIANT idea to throw in a little surprise for the Daleks. One last battle maneuver in the Time War. Freeze Gallifrey in, what was it, a time lock or a parallel universe, that would make the planet disappear and make the Daleks THINK that it was destroyed.



Before I go on, I have a point I’d like to talk about. The Day of the Doctor wasn’t a typical Moffat episode where there’s one HUGE mindblowing thing at the end. Instead, there was a series of little mindblowing things scattered here and there all over the episode. It was a lot of fun! The first mindblowing thing was where we find out that the Zygons were the things that got out of the paintings and THEY were what was under the sheets in that one room. A VERY The Time of Angels moment!

The next moment was with the whole door scene, where John Hurt’s Doctor was talking about software on the sonic screwdriver, and how it would take centuries to download. But of course, since they were all there, Eleven being himself centuries older than John Hurt, has had time for the software to download, and it was actually completed on his screwdriver!  That was one of those gradual realization moments, and it was fantastic!

(I AM going somewhere with this, by the way. Just so you know.)

There was another mindblowing moment that was more of a “OF COURSE!” moment with the painting. I had a feeling that the two names for it, “No More” and “Gallifrey Falls”, would amount to something, but I didn’t know what it would be. Then the curator came along and put the two titles together: “Gallifrey Falls No More”. OF COURSE! Of course, the two titles could be put together! And it makes a beautiful title, I must say!

There’s different types of mindblowing moments with Moffat, I’m realizing. :p

And finally, the last one was with freezing Gallifrey. With just three TARDISes, it would be impossible, but with multiple TARDISes, they could do it. Now again, I was caught up in the moment, so I didn’t catch how all the Doctors were there with their TARDIS. But there they were, all of them there to save their home planet.

Nine was there. NINE WAS THERE!! I squealed in pure delight. HE WAS THERE!! I was as happy as can be.



I literally SCREAMED at the television. The kind of scream that you instantly regret because it was so loud and ridiculous. XD BUT HE WAS THERE!!! OH MAH WORD!!! I was hoping, and secretly suspecting, that we would catch a sneak peek of Twelve here in the 50th. I saw a post on Facebook that got my suspicions up. AND THEN IT HAPPENED!! It was definitely my favorite part of the episode. 😀

So I had gotten everything out of the episode I wanted. WELLLLL, almost everything. We got all the classic Doctors into the episode, in a way, which was something I was secretly hoping Moffat would do. But we were so close, SO CLOSE, to seeing a Hurt-to-Eccleston regeneration! It was there! It was happening! But we didn’t get to see it all the way through. 😦 Oh well. I’m just glad that, again, Moffat indulged the fans, because I’m almost certain that he’s heard that the fans have been crying out for a regeneration scene.

We got to see Tom Baker at the end of the episode too! That was just a fun scene ’cause we didn’t know who it was going to be showing up. It was great. 🙂

I liked how the story covered the Doctor’s tracks in this episode. Since they all weren’t supposed to be there, whenever they left, they would forget what happened there. Since the Daleks believed that Gallifrey was destroyed, so would the Doctor. Simple as that. Nothing complicated. It makes perfect sense. Nine was the aggressive Doctor he was because he actually thought he had killed everyone. But he didn’t. It’s actually kind of a good thing he didn’t remember because if that secret got out, that Gallifrey wasn’t destroyed and was still out there, the results could be catastrophic!

Moffat was NOT kidding when he said that this episode changes all of Doctor Who from here on out. Gallifrey’s out there! It’s not destroyed, the Doctor still has a home and everyone is still alive. SO. MUCH. YUS. EVERYTHING changes from here! It means the Doctor has to go out there and find Gallifrey again. Twelve, that’s going to be your job! 😉 Oh my goodness, I’m SO EXCITED!!! We’re possibly going to be actually seeing episodes ON GALLIFREY next series! HOW COOL IS THAT!!! Oh, it’s going to be beautiful to watch!

Okay, what was your favorite part of the episode? Any thoughts that you have?

I was so excited afterwards, so full of joy that I was shaking! Actually shaking! A new type of reaction to Doctor Who for me. :p I CAN’T WAIT to see it again on Monday at the movie theater! It’s going to be AMAZING!!

A million thanks to you, Steven Moffat, and everyone else who helped make this 50th anniversary episode. You truly performed wonders with it, and it couldn’t have been more perfect. You are GENIUSES, the lot of you! 🙂


49. An Adventure in Space and Time

Second to last post, everybody! Tomorrow’s the big day! TOMORROW!! IT’S ACTUALLY TOMORROW! EEEEEK!!! I can’t believe it’s finally only HOURS away now! Oh goodness, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight!

I literally JUST came in from watching the new movie An Adventure in Space and Time, and I’m trying to fight my feels. It’s really hard to not burst into tears right now. OH, THE FEELS!!!

Okay, okay, calm the feels. Calm the feels. Breathe. I’ve got a blog to write. Oh dear.

OH MY GOODNESS, the movie was SO GOOD!! It was absolutely brilliant! Well done, Mark Gatiss. WELL. DONE. I’ve heard so many good things about this movie on Facebook, a lot of good reviews, and they were all true! This was an absolutely fantastic movie, in every sense of the word.

The movie was basically about how Doctor Who got all started. We were transported back into 1960s England, and we got to watch the idea for Doctor Who develop. Albeit a dramatized version, but I’ve heard it’s a pretty accurate story. Head of drama Sydney Newman was looking around for something new to do for television, and someone came up with the idea to do a new sci-fi show. The idea brewed in Newman’s head for a little while, and he eventually came up with an alien called the Doctor, who looks like a human and travels through space and time in a police box that’s really a spaceship. And thus the plot was born. He hired his once production assistant, Verity Lambert, to be producer for the show, and a young man named Waris Hussein to be director. The movie shows how this pairing worked together to create the show that has sprung into the phenomenon it is today.

I had no idea just how much blood, sweat and tears went into getting Doctor Who started! I mean, every new show has its early-on issues, but Doctor Who especially had many obstacles to overcome. For one thing, they had to convince William Hartnell to actually be in it. And Verity Lambert was a new thing for BBC I guess, to be a woman producer so that took some getting used to for them. And the studio they started out in was absolutely rubbish. The sprinklers turned on whenever it got too hot in the studio, making shooting extremely difficult, especially with all the lights on and all that. The first shoot itself had its own problems too, with the doors to the TARDIS opening mid-take and cameras not functioning.

Even with all that trouble, with all the work everyone went through to just soldier through it all, Sydney Newman was still not impressed with the pilot episode. It was too scary, he claimed, and the Doctor didn’t have enough “twinkle”, as they called it. So after they had already put together a whole episode, the studio had to go through it ALL OVER AGAIN and start from scratch.

AND THEN, the announcement about President Kennedy’s assassination came on right in the middle of the episode when it was aired, so part of the episode was cut off! So they had to air the episode again the following week. Good gracious! What does one have to do to get a TV episode out there?

At long last, however, Doctor Who was out, and it slowly built into a massive success. Children all over England fell in love with this new alien, the Doctor. And the brand new monsters called the Daleks were a big hit especially.

It was really interesting seeing the creation of the Daleks. Apparently, Sydney Newman didn’t approve of them at first! He didn’t want the normal BEMs, as he called them, in his show. Bug Eyed Monsters. Verity was very firm about giving them a go, though, so they went along with it. And it ended up being probably being the biggest push for the show, it looked like.

The creation of the TARDIS was interesting to watch too. I hadn’t heard anything about how the the design for the TARDIS came to be. Turns out it was just kind of thrown together at the spur of the moment. But it was a brilliant design, and look at the beauty it has become!

I REALLY liked Verity, by the way. The woman behind everything. She was the tough producer who didn’t care that everyone looked down at her at first because she was a woman. She didn’t let other people’s opinions of her get in the way of her work and she just kept moving on. I loved it!

David Bradley as William Hartnell. I can’t even begin to explain how ABSOLUTELY PERFECT he was for the role! He looks JUST like the man himself, I’m not even kidding! GENIUS casting! And I heard that Bradley portrayed Hartnell very accurately, so that made it all the better. It was just wonderful! Almost seemed like Hartnell was with us again. 🙂

THE END WAS ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING!!! Oh my WORD!! Those were THE MOST sudden, unanticipated feels I’ve EVER had in my LIFE! The movie was going on so peacefully! Just this calm, pleasant movie that was just starting to wind down. It was getting sad at the end because Hartnell’s health was deteriorating, and his regeneration was coming up. You felt for him, you really did, because Hartnell loved the show with all his heart and he was wanting to do more. It was sad, but nothing out of the ordinary sadness.

Then he said, “I don’t want to go.”

BAM! Sudden feels, RIGHT in the heart! The exact same words Ten said before he left. OH! It was terrible! I started crying on the spot.

But that’s not all. It got worse.

At the very end, right as Hartnell was getting ready to shoot his last scene, he looked up and there in front of him was Eleven, helping him at the TARDIS in his last moments. Hartnell saw his future as the Doctor, and he knew that the show was going to continue on. And he was the one who started it all.

Oh goodness! I’m crying right now all over again. It was such a beautiful scene. ❤

Man, it was a BIG surprise to see Matt Smith there! But it was a truly BEAUTIFUL scene. Absolutely perfect! Very fitting. Oh, it was SUCH  a good movie!! Beautifully written and brilliantly cast! What did you guys think of it?

If this movie doesn’t get you excited for tomorrow, I don’t know what will!




TOMORROW’S THE BIG DAY!!! We’re going to FINALLY find out who this mysterious new Doctor is!


AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!! The biggest day for Doctor Who yet!

Thank you, Mr. Hartnell, SO MUCH for getting all this started. This all wouldn’t be here without you. ❤ ❤

47. Tales from the TARDIS

47 posts down, only 3 more to go!! AND WE HAVE TOM BAKER DAYS UNTIL THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR!!! WOO HOO!! This week is going by WAY too slow for me! I keep thinking it’s like Thursday or Friday, but then I check the calendar for the 10th time and it’s still the beginning of the week.

tumblr_m5moanZvD91ron04jo1_500really slowly

Well, I’m rather enjoying Doctor Who Takeover Week! Anyone else? It had a VERY good kick off yesterday, with Tales from the TARDIS and The Science of Doctor Who, the latter which I didn’t watch because I’m not a science person, but we saw a bit of the beginning and it was fun. But I’m really excited to talk about what we saw on Tales from the TARDIS last night. I’m also going to slip in a little bit of Who news at the end because why not? :p

I didn’t really know what to expect from this documentary, Tales from the TARDIS. I remember reading the description when BBC America released the Takeover Week schedule, but I kinda forgot it. XD So my family and I went in, not really knowing what was coming. But it was a really fun and VERY interesting show!

The main people talking in the documentary were Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, David Tennant and Matt Smith. Five of our Doctors. A few of the companions joined in later, but it was primarily the Doctors. And they just gave some of their input on the different sections the documentary covered.

It all started out talking about regenerations. A very appropriate first topic, since it’s at the forefront of all our minds with Matt Smith leaving. They showed Matt Smith’s very first take as the Doctor!! And it was REALLY cool to watch! Poor Matt was so nervous! And he had every right to be! He was a first for Doctor Who, being the youngest actor to play the Doctor. But of course, we all know he did brilliantly! His first take even was REALLY good!

They showed tidbits of some of the other Doctor’s regenerations, and I had to sit there, shut my eyes and cover my ears ’cause I didn’t want to know any spoilers. XD

The next bit was about how the actors were offered the part of the Doctor. Tom Baker’s story was particularly interesting because he said at the time, he was out of work and looking for a job. All of a sudden, he was offered to play the Doctor. If I remember correctly, Tom Baker didn’t know much about Doctor Who before. But the part was work for him so he accepted. Little did he know what he was getting himself into! He said the day after he was cast, his face was on the front page of the newspaper, with the story taking up about an eighth of a page. I think he realized that day just how big of a thing Doctor Who was, and he ended up being the longest-running Doctor to date.

Peter Davison’s story was interesting too because at HIS time, HE was the youngest Doctor. Or he was GOING to be, if he accepted the role. Thankfully, he did, and now he has nothing to worry about, with being the youngest. :p

I might be going out of order here, but I think the next section was about the Doctor’s clothes. I feel so bad for Colin Baker that he didn’t get the kind of outfit he wanted! Apparently, what he wanted as Six’s costume was what Nine ended up getting. It’s a funny but sad story. And then it was fun hearing the story of the infamous scarf, which was created entirely by accident. It was just fun hearing all the stories behind the choices of each Doctor’s clothes.

The companion bit was interesting. I loved seeing Carole Ann Ford and hearing about her memories in the TARDIS with William Hartnell. She said that she and Hartnell would mark all the switches and buttons with a felt-tip marker so they would remember which switch/button was which. That was important to Hartnell, apparently, and I agree with him. We got to hear from other previous companions too, such as Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan, along with some of the Classic Who companions.

The documentary also talked about a couple of non-human characters from the show, specifically K-9 and the Daleks. K-9 really hasn’t changed at all since the old days, and I love it! And it was fun hearing a little bit about how the whole Dalek voice thing works, behind the scenes. I would love to sit in on a Doctor Who reading for an episode with Daleks in it because Nicholas Briggs sits there with his machine doohickey and does the voice for the Daleks right there in the reading! It would be so cool to hear!

I think that’s about it for the documentary. Moving on to another bit of Takeover Week, the marathons have begun on BBC America. Dun dun DUUUUN!! :p Anyways, the first series started today. Fun little story here, my mom, brother and I headed off to Cross Fit earlier today, and when we left, The Unquiet Dead was playing. We went to Cross Fit and I didn’t think much else of Doctor Who because I was busy suffering and working out. :p Anyways, so the class lasted about an hour, and just as we were driving back up our road, I calculated the time and what episode would be on. I suddenly realized that it would be on World War Three by then. And we all know what that means: the best line in the entire first series, possibly even the show.

"I could save the world, but lose you."

“I could save the world, but lose you.”

Suddenly, I was really anxious to get inside the house to see if I was right, if it was World War Three that was on. Lo and behold, I WAS RIGHT! YUS!!

So then I had to stay and see what part of the episode it was on. I was REALLY hoping to see this scene! A commercial break was going on so I had to wait a little bit. The next time it came on, it was RIGHT before this scene! So I got to see it. ❤ It was an awesome moment! 😀

Switching gears again, completely deviating from Takeover Week now, I have another little story for you all.

So on Facebook, there was word going around of a new issue of Doctor Who Magazine. It was the BIG 50th anniversary edition, full of little posters and other goodies. A MUST HAVE for all Whovians. It was released on November 14th, so the article said. My family was oot and aboot on Sunday, and we stopped by Barnes and Noble. Me being the Doctor Who enthusiast I am, I made a beeline for the magazine section and I was gonna get me one of them super special 50th anniversary magazines. Didn’t see it there. WELLLL, the Doctor Who Magazine was there, but it said nothing about the 50th anniversary on it. Truth be told, I didn’t remember what the cover for the 50th anniversary magazine looked like. I spent probably 5 minutes browsing through the magazine, seeing if it had those poster things in it. It didn’t. The SFX Magazine was there, and it had 50th anniversary art on it. Maybe that was the one. It wasn’t. After much deliberation, I decided to go ahead and just buy the magazine. Even if it’s not the one I wanted, it’s still the Doctor Who Magazine. It’s gonna have cool stuff in it.

So when we got home, I looked up online what the 50th anniversary magazine looked like. This is what it’s supposed to look like:

dw467boxThis is the one I got:

IMG_0890Apparently, America’s a couple months behind in the Doctor Who Magazine. The 50th anniversary magazine is issue 467. The one I got is issue 465. The one about the new Second Doctor episodes hasn’t even come out yet. So this magazine came out in September in the UK and it’s just been released here in America. So we’re probably not going to get this 50th anniversary one until January.

*sigh* Oh well. At least we’ll get it.

So there’s THAT story.

I think that’s all the Who news I have for today. Next time you’ll be hearing about Doctor Who will be about An Adventure in Space and Time. I’M SO EXCITED!!! All throughout the Takeover Week, they keep playing the trailer, and I think they’re just trying to kill us with excitement and IT’S WORKING! It looks SO GOOD!! Aaagghh, I can’t wait!

Talk to you all later!

45. One Week More!

*insert One Day More music here* :p

We’ve reached 45 posts, guys! 5 more posts to go and we’ve got ONE. WEEK. Until the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who!!! The big countdown has begun! I don’t know if I can take it! Every time I think about it, I get butterflies in my stomach! AAAGGGHHH!!

We’ve had quite a busy week in the Whoniverse! Sadly, we didn’t get another trailer for The Day of the Doctor. Apparently, BBC gave them all to us in one go! So the second trailer we got last week was supposed to be released Sunday. But that makes sense, not having anymore trailers. Three trailers would be a bit much for ONE episode!

So we didn’t get another trailer, but we DID get the HIGHLY anticipated minisode, titled The Night of the Doctor. It was supposed to be released today, but as it’s seemed to be the case for everything Day of the Doctor, it was let out early. It came out on Thursday, I believe it was.

I actually have an interesting story to tell you all about my experience with the minisode, but before we get into that, I want to let everyone know that I WILL be talking about spoilers from the minisode. If you haven’t seen the minisode and you don’t want to know about it, DON’T READ PAST THIS PARAGRAPH. For those of you who haven’t seen the minisode and you DO want to read about it, watch the video before reading further. Here it is in all its glory. Enjoy!


Okay, I have to tell you guys my story of how I came to watch this. It’s not a happy story, but hopefully some of you had the same thing happen, so you’ll know you’re not on your own with this.

So I was scrolling through Facebook, the morning of the release. I was scrolling down and I saw that the minisode was out. I told myself that I would come back to it, once I had gone through all my feed. By the time I was done, new stories had come up on my feed, so I took a look at them when I got back up to the top. One of the articles that was there was along the lines of “Paul McGann returns as the Doctor.”


Surprise. RUINED.

I’m a sentimental person so I like being surprised and mindblown, and I HATE spoilers!! So when I saw that, my heart immediately shattered. I had missed out on the surprise factor!! It was completely ruined!! I couldn’t believe it!

I probably should have known better, though, considering it IS the Internet and things get out pretty fast. I should have seen it coming. But I didn’t. So I knew ahead of time who the mystery Doctor was going to be before I watched the minisode. *pout face*

But still, PAUL MCGANN! One of my favorite Doctors ever!!! 😀 I was that more excited to watch it! So I woke up my sister at like 8:30 in the morning, and we watched the minisode on my bed.

“I AM a doctor. Just not the one you were expecting.” *giggles* That was the most beautiful line in the entire 6 minutes! But of course, the whole thing was just full of clever lines.

Oh, it was wonderful seeing dear Eight again! Of COURSE he’d be the Doctor to be in the minisode! It makes complete sense! Since it looks like we’re going into the Doctor’s past with the 50th anniversary, it’s only logical that we have a past Doctor for the minisode.

The beginning of it was going really well! The Doctor was about to save Cass from crashing, but then he showed her the TARDIS and she instantly refused to be saved. Because the Doctor is a Time Lord, and at that time, the Time War was raging; and that meant the Time Lords were beginning to go bonkers. It must have been REALLY bad for Cass to actually prefer dying to being rescued by the Doctor. And what’s even more striking is that the Doctor actually stayed and tried to get her to come with him instead of just getting back in the TARDIS. He ended up crashing with her. And he technically died. When your ship crashes, there isn’t much time for regeneration.

What I’m starting to wonder now, as I’m typing this is what happened to the TARDIS when the ship crashed? I’m assuming it ditched the ship because it sensed it was in danger. Hmmmm…

So the ship crashed onto a planet that the Doctor has been to before, apparently, in Classic Who. I wouldn’t know anything about it because I haven’t watched very much of Classic Who yet, but I bet all Classic Whovians were REALLY excited to see the return of the Sisterhood of Karn. Interesting race they were.

So the Doctor actually died in the crash. He was really dead. But the Sisterhood was able to revive him for 4 minutes. And they began asking him to fight in the Time War, essentially. Up to this point, the Doctor had been purposefully staying out of the War because it had nothing to do with him. He sounded pretty adamant about keeping his distance from it too. But the Sisterhood eventually managed to convince him to fight, and what I’m wondering is what got the Doctor to change his mind? It seemed like a pretty fast decision he made, but he was so sure of himself before that he didn’t want to fight. It was probably when the woman asked him how many more people he would allow to die. The Doctor hates death, and there is nothing that makes him feel more guilty than people he becomes associated with dying because of him. So that’s what I think made him change his mind so fast. But since Eight had only minutes left to live, the Sisterhood concocted elixirs to enable him to regenerate.

So…Eight had an artificial regeneration? I didn’t even know that was possible. Those elixirs must be REALLY hardcore stuff! Things got REALLY confusing after he regenerated. He regenerated into John Hurt, so what does that make John Hurt’s Doctor? Steven Moffat has said that he’s definitely not an 8.5 Doctor, but he also said that the number of the regenerations stays the same. How is that possible? Maybe it’s because of the fact that it was an artificial regeneration, so maybe it doesn’t count in the main regeneration count? I don’t know. We have seven days until we find out what’s going on.

So this whole minisode was released back on Thursday, which just happened to actually be Paul McGann’s birthday!! HOW COOL IS THAT!! To “return” to Doctor Who, in a sense, on your birthday? Apparently, the release came as a surprise to him too. He wasn’t expecting the minisode to come out on his birthday. What an amazing birthday present. 🙂

Paul McGann was VERY tricksy with us Whovians! He told us that he wasn’t going to be in the 50th anniversary! He failed to mention the fine print. It makes me wonder if maybe Christopher Eccleston is hiding something from us too. Wouldn’t it be absolutely loverly and fantastic if we got to the end of The Day of the Doctor and we got to see John Hurt regenerate into Christopher Eccleston?? So many of our prayers would be answered! I have extremely high doubts it would happen, considering Eccleston’s policy on returning to older roles. But one can still hope! Oh, it would be FANTASTIC!

Also, in light of Paul McGann’s “return” to Doctor Who, speculation has been going around that this whole minisode doubled as a test to see what the reaction would be to Eight’s return. As in Moffat/BBC was testing the waters to see if a series could be possible for McGann. It’s just speculation, it’s not for real, but HOW UTTERLY AMAZING WOULD THAT BE?? A prequel series for Eight? I think the Whoniverse would explode out of sheer excitement! I know I would!

So yeah. Paul McGann!! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! I’m beside myself with excitement!

Now what else do we have to talk about?

This past weekend was Children in Need, and a preview clip for the 50th anniversary was released in honor of it. The farthest I go in seeing previews of anything Doctor Who is the trailers, so I didn’t watch the preview, for fear of spoilers. If you guys haven’t seen it yet, but you’ve been meaning to because you don’t care about spoilers, and you insist on me providing the clip for you, well FINE! Here you go! :p

I’m assuming that’s the link. There wasn’t anything from the BBC channel. So if that’s not the right one, I apologize. But yeah, I got nothing to say about it ’cause I didn’t watch it, but I DID see a picture of Ten wearing the fez, and I just nearly went all dead bug again. :p It made my life!

Moving on to another subject now, we have some new Capaldi news that was just released today. Moffat is working now on Peter Capaldi’s first script, and they’re set to start filming in the December/January timeframe. ASDFGHJKL!! Gracious!! So soon! I’m definitely not complaining, though! There IS one downside, though, that we MIGHT be facing. We’re possibly going to be dealing with the Split Series Torture again, next series. Meaning we’ll have half a series, a few months hiatus, have another half series later on, wait a few more months and then have the Christmas special. I don’t know about you guys, but I REALLY hope that doesn’t happen again! I HATED the split series for series 7! It was literally torture. The only good news about a split series is that we could possibly be looking in to a late spring/early summer 2014 release for series 8. So we wouldn’t have to wait THAT long for the beginning. And that would be AWESOME!! I’m not sure what the release time would be for a straight-through series. I’m assuming it would be around fall. We’ll be getting more definite information as time goes along.

Well! After having composed the longest blog post to date, I think that about wraps it up for this week’s Who news. Goodness, if the post for the 6 minute minisode is this long, how long is it going to be for the 50th anniversary? Yikes! :p

Well, I must away to bed. Have fun for the next six days, with Doctor Who taking over BBC America! I’ll be staying busy next week, blogging about my thoughts on some of the shows that’ll be playing. It’s going to be CRAZY next week! Like I’m going to literally be posting something every day, and I think I’m only getting one day off as a break. It’s going to be fun, though. 😀

All right. Talk to you all later! Keep it together as best as you can, as the big day approaches. Cheers!

41. John Hurt, Bad Wolf and Fezzes, Oh My!

41 posts down, 9 more to go. We’re in the single digits now! Yay!! And we have two weeks, TWO. WEEKS. until The Day of the Doctor airs all over the world!!

Speaking of The Day of the Doctor…


Actually, we got two different trailers. One that was actually leaked last night and another much longer one that’s from BBC One. It’s all felt like a volcano kind of. The trailers have been held back from us for so long, to the point of the fandom almost bursting. And now that they’re being released, all of a sudden it’s like an explosion, and it’s like, “Oh, here! Have not one, but TWO trailers! AND another one is coming out tomorrow!” It’s absolutely fantastic! Our waiting has definitely payed off. 🙂

Okay, raise of hands, how many of you watched the leaked trailer last night? No need to feel ashamed. Actually, I kinda do a little bit ’cause we only had a few hours left to wait. I could have waited a few more hours to watch it. But at the same time NOPE! There’s no chance I was going to wait, and I mostly regret nothing, having watched it early. Besides, all my other Whovian friends had seen it anyway, so WHY NOT. :p

My sister informed me that actually the trailer had been leaked out earlier, but BBC was ONTO them! Faster than the Vashta Nerada on a chicken leg! As soon as they saw any trailers of any sort being leaked, they would pounce on them and take them down. It was absolutely ferocious! But I love how BBC really tried to not get any spoilers out ahead of time.

Okay, Katelyn. Shut up! We’ve got important things to talk about! VERY important things!

Okay, let’s talk about these GORGEOUS beauties!

First beauty:

So it looks like a good deal of the episode is going to be about the Time War. I almost started crying seeing Gallifrey at war. These are Gallifrey’s last days. This is the darkest moment of the Doctor’s life, and it’s going to be positively terrible seeing it happen. It’ll be like Spock watching Vulcan being destroyed, except here we’re going to be on the planet and see everything actually happen. It’s an extremely heartbreaking thought, but at the same time VERY intriguing because it’s obviously been a crucial part of the Doctor’s life, but we’ve only heard him talk about it. Now we get to see what actually happened, what led him to destroy the whole planet.

That red jewel thing that’s called The Moment, from what I’ve heard. I’m assuming that’s what finishes everything. The big, threatening button that must NEVER be pushed under ANY circumstance. Wow, that just made The Christmas Invasion really sad! Let’s change subjects.

THE FEZ!!! The fez is returning! Again! And it looks like Ten quite approves of it. But why wouldn’t he? Fezzes are cool! And both he and Eleven are wearing glasses in that scene! SO CUTE!! I loved it!

And then there’s the whole Rose thing. BAD WOLF! BAD WOLF, BAD WOLF, BAD WOLF, BAD WOLF! Her eyes were glowing! She was Bad Wolf!! I wonder what that means? Does it mean she has something to do with the destruction of Gallifrey, since as Bad Wolf she can destroy everything? Or maybe she gets rid of all the Daleks again. Who knows? We’ll just have to wait and see.

We didn’t see much of Clara in the trailer. We just see her push some type of button and then she vanishes. Hmmm…

Okay. We gotta talk about John Hurt now. Honestly, I think he’s the thing I’m most looking forward to in the 50th anniversary. Who is he??

I instantly loved him as the Doctor, just after seeing him in The Name of the Doctor. But then I heard him talk in the trailer and my inner fangirl went berserk. He SOUNDS like the Doctor! “I’m looking for the Doctor.” The way he says it! HE’S PERFECT. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Steven Moffat said in an article that John Hurt can steal the show with just his eyes. I BELIEVE IT. I mean, just look at him! All he has to do is just BE THERE and you can see all the age and pain the Doctor has experienced in his eyes. It’s absolutely beautiful! Just…JOHN HURT!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!!

All this happened within 41 seconds.

I had to literally tell myself to breathe after watching the trailer! My lungs ceased to function by the time I saw John Hurt and from then on. By the time the trailer was over, I was literally speechless and flailing my hands like a dying bug.

Then my sister and I watched it again.

And again.

And I’m certain I watched it at least 3 or 4 times that night before going to bed.

All in all, I’ve probably watched the trailer like 10 times since yesterday. And it’s beautiful every time.

Then today, because the excitement of that first trailer wasn’t enough, BBC released ANOTHER trailer!



It’s a lot longer than the other trailer, but it’s pretty similar to the other one. But it did have a few other scenes. Eleven showing Ten the new sonic screwdriver and Ten seeing the new TARDIS.

“Oh! You’ve redecorated! I don’t like it.” WHAT?!?! Eleven and I made the same face when Ten said that. D: He seemed to like the sonic screwdriver, though. Ten’s face! Tee hee! XD

Oh my goodness, it all had me having giggling fits–gigging fits almost as bad as the day when Peter Capaldi was announced as the next Doctor.

This picture haunts me SO MUCH, though:

1399435_691520884214151_905585220_oIt’s that moment. The fateful moment when the Doctor ends the War and destroys his home. And the look on the Doctor’s face! He’s dreading it so much! He looks so sad, like he knows he has no other option. It’s gonna be a tear jerker!

So those were the first two trailers that have been released.  Apparently tomorrow, BBC is releasing the trailer that was shown at this year’s Comic-Con. More epicness is on the way!

I think that about wraps it up for the trailer bit. I failed to mention this at the beginning of the post, but for the month of November at least, Saturdays are going to be Doctor Who days–days when I talk about any Whoniverse news. Up until the 50th anniversary. It might continue after that. I’m not sure yet.

So as far as this week’s news goes, there’s a BUNCH of stuff going on, so pay attention! :p

First, foremost and most important! Air times have been announced for The Day of the Doctor! It’s coming on at 7:50 pm for the UK, which makes the time 2:50 ET/1:50 pm C for us Americans. I’ve heard that it’s also running with no commercials! So we get to have a completely uninterrupted 75 minutes of feels! Oh, happy day!! :p

Second, BBC America is doing what they’re calling a Doctor Who Takeover week, where practically everything they’re going to be playing is Doctor Who. YUS!! The schedule for everything that’s going to be playing, INCLUDING AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AND TIME, is right here .

Also, there’s going to be a minisode, apparently? The news wasn’t all that clear, but the main thing I caught was that it’s happening on the 16th. It didn’t mention BBC America, but it did say something about being posted on YouTube, so keep your eyes open. Word is that another Doctor’s going to be in it. A DOCTOR OTHER THAN TEN, ELEVEN OR JOHN HURT. Theories are flying around left and right. Some people are saying McGann, others are saying Eccleston. My theory is that it’s going to actually be Capaldi, but we’ll see, once it comes out.

No new word of Peter Capaldi, by the way, sadly, but I’m sure he’s just as thrilled about the 50th anniversary as we are. Everything’s kind of slowed down on his part, while the 50th is going on, but I’m sure once December kicks in, there will be PLENTY of new goodies!

Well, I think that’s about it for now. Happy compulsive trailer watching! :p Be on the lookout for the new trailer tomorrow! Vale!