Doctor Who at the Cinema

Hey, everybody! Happy Saturday to you all! Hope you’re having a great weekend! WELLLLL…as great as it CAN be before finals week. Next week is NOT going to be fun! BUT, look at it this way: if we can just get past this next week, then school will be over for the YEAR. We won’t have any more school until 2014! Just one more week!

But until then, let’s take a little breather from Dead Week and talk about Doctor Who! I gotta tell you all about our day at the cinema because we had an interesting day, to say the least.

Monday, November 25th was a VERY exciting day! My sister and I were going to see the 50th anniversary of Doctor! Again!! But this time, in 12-D 3-D! It was the very last day the 50th anniversary would be available on the big screen, so this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m SO glad we were able to go!

The cinema was about a two-hour drive for us, but since there was probably going to be the whole traffic factor, and given that the cinema was close to a big city (nope. not going to tell you which city! Internet safety first!), we left about three or four hours before we needed to be there. It’s a good thing we left early because we got to the cinema about an hour before the show started. That gave us time to hit the mall that the cinema was right next to, and grab a bite to eat. Or at least TRY to get a bite to eat. I was so excited/anxious that I could barely stomach down four or five bites of food. Even though we had seen the episode before. XD

Funny story about us at the mall. It was the 50th anniversary, as you know. WELLLLL, a celebration of the 50th anniversary. And I had my fez with me that I was going to wear in the cinema, as part of my dressing up. I thought to myself, “Well, hey. I’ll wear my fez IN the mall. There’s bound to be other Whovians walking about here and they’ll take notice and we’ll get all excited seeing each other and just be all like, ‘Hey, see you later at the theater!'” No one else noticed. In fact, I don’t think any Whovians of any sort were there in the mall at all. And come the time we got to the food court, I noticed people from other countries ordering food and what not. And then I thought to myself, “You know. There are probably some people who would be REALLY offended by seeing a GIRL wearing a FEZ in public. They might not know of the fandom or the show.” So I very sheepishly removed my fez and humbly sat it on the table while we ate. And I felt a bit wretched ’cause that’s the LAST thing I want to do is to offend anybody. But if I did, it’s not a HUGE deal because that mall is pretty far from where we live. We’re probably not going back there again anytime soon. So that made me feel a little better.

But I was quick to put the fez back on when we went back to the cinema. There weren’t as many people there as I thought there were going to be, let alone people who dressed up. One boy actually came up to me and asked me why I was wearing the fez. Good gracious, do these people really not know what Doctor Who is??

My sister and I gleefully turned in our tickets, got our 3-D glasses and headed back to our screen. THEN we found out why we didn’t see anyone dressed up in the lobby. All the cosplayers were already there sitting down. In fact, the place was practically packed full! My sister and I stood there for a few minutes just trying to find TWO seats for us! We finally just went for the gung-ho front seats. We sat probably about five rows from the screen.

We had about 15 minutes until everything started, and we had fun reading the trivia facts that were up on the screen. At one point, one of the theater people came in, announcing to everyone that they had a full house that night so he was asking people to make room for others who were coming in. That was crazy! It made me even more glad that we got our tickets when we did!

The show eventually started. OH MY WORD!! THE STRAX VIDEO WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! I have never laughed so hard at a cinema IN MY LIFE!! “Million tiny screams.” XD I LOVE STRAX SO MUCH!!!

The little pre-video was a lot of fun too. The entire theater went completely BERSERK with the screams of groups of fangirls when Ten showed up on the screen. He really is loved by many.

And then they whole Zygon detector thing was a lot of fun. Our facial furniture was functioning as it should. 😉

As the episode got started, however, I quickly realized that something was wrong.

The 3-D wasn’t working.

Seriously, the 3-D wasn’t working! I don’t know how 3-D does NOT work, but it definitely wasn’t working! The screen was all blurry, the whole double image thing going on. Like the screen was trying to 3-D, but it was failing miserably My head started to hurt from watching it.

Me and my nerdy brain then instantly started to freak out, and (LOL!) the FIRST thought that popped into my head was, “Oh no. My brain’s messed up. I’VE WATCHED TOO MANY 3-D MOVIES AND NOW MY BRAIN CAN’T PROCESS THE 3-D-NESS ANYMORE!!” That’s literally what I started out with! XD

Then my thoughts moved to the glasses. Maybe the glasses weren’t working. But we did the Zygon detector thing. The glasses SHOULD be working. Maybe I should go and ask for new ones, just in case. I tried my sister’s glasses on, and hers were doing the same thing. The screen was still blurry. I sat back in my seat and I may have panicked internally for a moment or two. We paid $30 to see this episode. And now THIS was happening. SHOULD I go and see about getting new glasses?

Then, it got to the scene where the helicopter was flying the TARDIS over the Thames and London and all that. RIGHT at the exact instant when it went to that scene, the 3-D suddenly turned on! I noticed because everyone in the theater started cheering and clapping. I guess they were having the same problem too.

Good grief! XD

The episode was AMAZING, once the 3-D was on! There was more depth to the picture, and it looked like we were actually there with all the characters as everything was happening.

My favorite thing with the 3-D was actually the most terrifying thing. The Daleks. OH. MY WORD. The Daleks were TERRIFYING. I’m scared to death of the Daleks as it is, but having those stinkin’ eye stalks pointing OUT of the screen STRAIGHT AT YOUR STINKIN’ FACE, AND YOU’RE FACE TO FACE WITH THE DALEKS…I literally froze in my seat in terror! It looked so real, and I felt just like that little Gallifreyan girl, cowering to the ground in fear at the sight of it. Oh, it was great!

I’ve already told you all about my thoughts on the episode, so I don’t need to go over that again. It was obvious that this was the first time a lot of the Whovians had seen the episode, though. It was a lot of fun hearing their reactions. They burst out laughing at all the proper times and they cheered when favorite actors came on. Everyone’s favorite line was, “Timey wimey?” “I have no idea where he picks up that kind of stuff.” The whole theater went wild with laughter. The theater also gave a VERY enthusiastic cheer and round of applause when Twelve showed up, but it positively EXPLODED when Tom Baker came on screen! There was someone who started sniffling then too. There was also a collective, “AWWWW!” from all the fangirls when Ten said, “I don’t want to go.” That…that’s just such a kick in the feels. Wretched. Wretched feels.

There was an applause when the episode was over, and then we were treated to a behind the scenes look at the making of The Day of the Doctor. That was a lot of fun. Everyone got a kick out of seeing Paul McGann wishing Doctor Who a Happy 50th, and seeing Colin Baker as he wrapped up the narrating. That was awesome, seeing him!

So that’s our story of our experience at the cinema with Doctor Who. It was absolutely wonderful, and I won’t soon forget any of it. I saved the movie ticket. 🙂 Did any of you guys go to see The Day of the Doctor at the theater? My best friend and fellow blogger saw the 50th for the first time on Monday, and she has some very interesting thoughts on it .

So, the season of the 50th anniversary has ended, and we’re moving into the brand new season of the Christmas special.

And there was a collective groan of misery and anguish from all the Whovians around the world. :p

I gotta say, the ELEVEN second trailer is pretty epic, if you ignore the fact of what’s actually going to happen in that episode. Here it is, if you haven’t seen it yet.

But seriously, though, the further we go into December, the more shaky and unpredictable my feels get. As we get closer to Christmas, the feels get more and more fragile, like a bomb. I feel like the few days right before Christmas, at the SLIGHTEST disturbance, I could go off. Are you guys getting that too?

And may I just say that the song Silent Night has been COMPLETELY ruined for me this year!! After seeing the fan-made posters, with the fan-made title “Silent Night”, I just can’t even anymore. Josh Groban’s version of Silent Night was the first version of the song I listened to this year, so I didn’t know at the time what I was in for. I nearly died. Really, I almost sat on the bed and started crying. And now, whenever the song comes up on Pandora, I’m just all “NOPE” and I skip it. It’s too much! It’s just too much! *shakes fist* MOFFAT!!! Yet ANOTHER thing you’ve ruined for me!

And I’ve already had TWO dreams about the Christmas special! I think it’s my brain telling me that I’m still in denial about Matt Smith leaving. That denial is going to catch up with me, though. When it actually happens, I might have to have a defibrillator on hand to revive myself. I JUST DON’T WANT MATT SMITH TO GO!! D’X

But then, of course, the good news about the Christmas special is that we’re getting closer and closer to the era of the Twelfth Doctor. I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT THE TWELFTH DOCTOR, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! They’re going to start filming the eighth series sometime this month, probably VERY soon actually, ’cause they have to factor in Christmas break and all that. And it SOUNDS like we’ll be starting off the new series next August. Exciting stuff!! 😀

So the hour of our doom on Christmas day, for us American Whovians will be at 9:00 PM Eastern time. We have…what is math…18 days until our dear Eleven regenerates. About two and a half weeks. 😦

So, as far as Whoblogging goes (hehehe, I like that word. Is that even a word?), I’ll talk about any new developments I notice with series 8 news, if there are any, on Saturdays. If not, this’ll probably be the last post about Doctor Who until next year. So a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you all, my fellow Whovians! All my sympathies go out to you, in advance, for the big day. We’re all in this together. *sniffle*